Sunday, October 2, 2016

More Than Shame

I am More Than Shame
What does this phrase mean to you?
Are you More Than Shame?

I haven't written in a long while.... In this time I have created and worked on a Nonprofit Organization called More Than Shame. My effort in putting this together was motivated by shame. Or rather, recognizing how debilitating shame is. 

Shame is an emotion we feel similar to guilt, however, it internalizes whatever it was that caused the shame. For example, we feel guilt when we do something wrong and we recognize the action as being wrong. With shame, we feel that there is something wrong with us. That the wrongness of our action is a pure reflection of who we are. It removes all confidence and hope for improvement.

I have met many people who experience what I do with depression and anxiety, and I am surprised at how often shame keeps them from getting the help they need. I say this not as though I am impervious to shame... I experience it very deeply and very often. It's scary to see how such an emotion can negatively impact someone in such a powerful way. 

I want people to feel confident in saying, 'I have depression, I have anxiety.' Recognize it as a part of who we are and accept it. It is my hope that we can build a community of support, hope, and love - that we can slowly eradicate the stigma associated with depression and anxiety with our examples. 

Get the help you need. Do not be afraid that others will judge you or think less of you, because your worth is not based on their opinions. I have felt that fear. I have feared that no one will love me. I have feared I am worthless. I encourage all to push past that fear and find hope in knowing that you are not alone. Miracles happen every day, even to those who struggle with a mental illness.

My organization isn't purely focused on depression and anxiety, but rather all things that inspire shame in a person. I believe that we can absolutely reach our full potential when we learn to manage the shame in our lives, accept who we are, and continue progressing in a manner that shows strength despite weakness.

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